I'm good at lying down. I'm getting better by lying down! The more I lie, the better. When you lie down in the evening, remember me.
Ingredients: water, barley malts, hop products.
Used hops: Agnus, ŽPČ.
Unfiltered, unpasteurized.
Store in a dark and cool place 1 – 5 ˚C
Alcohol content: 4,8%
We sell the product in the following packages:
0,5l tin
1,5l PET
10l party barrel
30l KEG
50l KEG
Na čepu: 11% Světlý ležák, 11% Pšeničná, 13% tmavá
Obaly- veškerý sortiment
nám. Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 1, 350 02 Cheb
Obaly: veškerý sortiment
nám. Krále Jiřího z Poděbrad 30, 350 02 Cheb
Žižkova 250,Velká Hleďsebe,35301
Možnost objednávek- soudky, pivo
K ochutnání- plechovky- IPA, ALE, 11% Světlý ležák
Tel.: 776 152 784
Na čepu: 11% Světlý ležák, Skautka limo
Obaly- veškerý sortiment
Potočiště 3, 350 02 Odrava
Barbora Podzimková
Pouze po tel.objednání: 731 519 783
Místo vyzvednutí- Mariánské Lázně, Valy u M.L, Cheb
Petr Sadloň
Pouze po tel.objednání 774 980 987
Místo vyzvednutí- Hamrníky u Mar.Lázní 353 01
Restaurace Grunt Grill Mariánské Lázně
Na čepu: 11% Světlý ležák, 13% Tmavá, Skautka limo
Tepelská 606/7 Naproti Penny v Úšovicích
353 01 Mariánské Lázně
MON-FRI 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
CLOSED on holidays
Tours of the brewery are only possible during opening hours after prior ordering :)
The people taking care of our brewer
Tomáš Podzimek
happy believer of beer and mountains + director of everything that moves in our brewery
Phone: 737 878 891
Stanislav Šesták
amazed visitor in the beer world + director of everything that flows in our brewery
Phone: 777 332 250
Billing information:
Tepelská 137/3, Úšovice, 353 01 Mariánské Lázně
ID number: 08430471
VAT number: CZ08430471
Address of the brewery:
Cheb Brewery - Hotel Hvězda
nám. Jiřího z Poděbrady 4/19
(entrance from school street)
350 02 Cheb
Brewery 702 198 823
Marketing 731 519 783
We believe in classic - traditional Czech lagers brewed from Czech malt and Czech hops. If you want to discover the magic of other beer styles, try our top-fermented beers. IPA, Stout, Weizen. The horizon of the most varied aromas and flavors will open up to you. Maybe just like us, you will find something that will excite you and that you will fall in love with after the first drink.
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